
Dudleian Lecture Tonight.

Rev. Professor Alexander V. G. Allen, D.D., h.'86, of the Episcopal Theological School Cambridge, will deliver the Dudleian lecture for this year, in the Fogg feature Room this evening at 8 o'clock. The subject for tonight is the second of the series of four prescribed by the founder, Judge Paul Dudley 1690 in 1750, and was last given in 1900 by Professor C. H. Toy of the Divinity School. Dr. Allen will speak an the "Roman Catholic Church and the Modern Sense of Nationality."

The lecture will discuss in particular the Catholic reaction of the nineteenth century with its culmination in the dogma of papal infallibility, the existing antagonism between the church and the various European governments, the tendency of the church to perpetuate in the modern world the spirit of the Roman Empire and its opposition to nationality, and the decline of the reaction under the influence of the modern motives of nationality and personality. It will also touch upon the significance of the career of Leo XIII, the place of the Bible in modern life, and the significance of Protestantism as a political movement.

The lecture will be open to the public.
