
1907 Won Fencing Tournament.

The Sophomores won the interclass fencing tournament held last night in the Gymnasium. In the preliminary rounds 1905 won from 1906 and 1907 from 1908; in the final round 1907 defeated 1905 by 5 bouts to 1. Throughout the fencing was spirited but somewhat wild.

The winning team will receive caps and the silver cups presented by H. Saint Gaudens '03.

Following are the scores in the final round; 1907--W. F. Low. won 2; lost 0. C. E. Nichols. won 1; lost 1. R. E. Gish. won 2; lost 0. 1905--L. Sargent, won 1; lost 1. H. A. Birch, won 0; lost 2. R. K. Conant, won 0: lost 2.
