
HARVARD 1905, 4; YALE 1905, 2.

Game Won in First Inning by Good Hitting.

The Freshman baseball team defeated the Yale freshmen last Saturday in a well played game by the score of 4 to 2.

The Harvard team won the game in the first inning when Matthews, Greenough, and Robeson scored on Mason's three base hit to left field. In the second inning Mitchell singled, was advanced to second by Tuckerman who was hit by a pitched ball, took third on Matthews's hit and was forced in when Robeson reached first on a dead ball. The team was unable to score again.

In the sixth inning, with Farmer and White on base, Hazenwinkle made a pretty single over second base bringing in the only two runs scored by Yale.

Tuckerman pitched a strong game, striking out six men, giving no bases on balls, and allowing but six scattered hits. Bell allowed seven hits, but six of them were bunched in the first two innings.

In the infield Matthews and Greenough played brilliantly, their fielding being fast and their throws sure. Matthews made four put-outs and two assists without an error. At the bat, he reached first four times out of the five times up.


The class gave the team good support throughout the game.

The score: HARVARD 1905.   a.b.  r.  b.h.  p.o.  a.  e. Matthews, 2b.  4  1  2  4  2  0 Maguire, c.f.  4  0  1  1  0  0 Greenough, s.s.  4  1  1  0  3  0 Robeson, b.  3  1  1  12  0  1 Mason, c.  4  0  1  6  0  0 Bolton, 3b.  3  0  0  0  3  2 Adams, r.f.  3  0  0  2  0  0 Mitchell, l.f.  4  1  1  2  1  0 Tuckerman, p.  3  0  0  0  1  0   -  -  -  -  -  - Totals,  32  4  7  27  10  3 YALE 1905.   a.b.  r.  b.h.  p.o.  a.  e. Hughes, s.s.  4  0  0  2  1  1 Farson, 2b.  4  0  0  1  2  1 Cornwall, r.f.  4  0  0  0  0  1 White, c.f.  4  1  2  1  0  0 Farmer, c.  3  1  1  6  1  0 Hazenwinkle, 1b.  4  0  1  10  0  1 Van Reypen, 3b.  4  0  1  10  0  1 Thompson, l.f.  3  0  1  1  0  0 Lewis.*  1  0  0  0  0  0 Bell, p.  3  0  0  1  4  0   -  -  -  -  -  - Totals,  34  2  6  24  9  4

Innings,  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 Harvard 1905,  3  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  x--4 Yale 1905,  0  0  0  0  0  2  0  0  0--2

Earned runs--Harvard 3. Three-basehit--Mason. Stolen bases--Farmer, Hazenwinkle, Thompson. Bases on balls--By Bell: Matthews, Adams. Hit by pitched balls--Robeson, Tuckerman, Bolton, Farmer. Struck out--By Tuckerman: Van Reypen 2. Farson, Cornwall, White, Bell; by Bell; Bolton, Maguire, Mitchell, Tuckerman. Wild pitches--Tuckerman, Bell. Passed ball--Mason. Time of game 2h. 15m. Umpire--Murray.

*Batted for Thompson in the ninth.

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