
Cross Country Running.

The first of a series of cross country runs will be held tomorrow at 4 o'clock, starting from the Locker Building at Soldiers Field.

The object of these runs is primarily to get as many men as possible interested in track work; and secondarily to keep the men in good condition for the winter and spring work. This work is particularly advantageous to the distance men.

The following plan has been adopted: Runs will be held three times a week until the end of November when there will be a hare and hound run for which prizes will be offered. The first run will be for three miles with no break, and the distance will be gradually increased until the squad is divided into a fast and a slow division.

Mr. Graham will be at the Gymnasium at 4 o'clock on every day of a run, and all other days on which men may wish to do additional work in preparation for the hare and hound runs.

All members of the University are urged to take part in these runs and to report to Mr. Graham at the Locker Building, dressed to run, at 4 o'clock tomorrow.


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