
Golf Practice.

Permission has been obtained by the Golf Club for the following men to play at the Braeburn Golf Club, Newton, from now until November 15: H. C. Egan '05, W. B. Egan '05, W. Wood '02, O. Wirston '04, G. P. Snow '04, P. A. Proal '05, A. Wellman '05, H. Burnet '03, W. Tuckerman '03, H. Cary '05, A. P. Thornton '03, C. T. Richardson '02, A. M. Brown '03, H. Lindsley '02, U. A. Murdock '04, J. T. Soutter '04, K. Smith '05, R. Manning '04, V. S. Manson '04, M. Tilden '05, R. D. Lapham '05, I. T. Cutter '03, L. V. Pulsiver '03.

The course can be reached in a little less than an hour by taking a Newton car from Harvard square to Newton, changing there for a red Newton Lower Falls car, and getting off at Commonwealth avenue. The course is a short way up the hill, on the right hand side of the road.

Candidates should get an introducing card at Leavitt's and present it to the steward of the club before playing. There will be a fee of 85, which includes the use of the linke till November 15, Saturdays excepted. This should be paid to the Braeburn Golf Club.

For the benefit of those whose afternoon lectures make it impossible to play at Braeburn, arrangements have been made whereby candidates for the team, by communicating with the secretary, can be introduced at the Newton Golf Club, about 35 minutes from Harvard square. The fee is $1 a week or $4 till Nov. 15. The course is reached by taking a Newton car to Newton, where a carriage can be obtained at the railroad station about 200 yards beyond the car line. It is about a ten-minute drive to the links.

It is probable that a somewhat similar arrangement will have to be made next spring, but beginning next fall the new course beyond Waverly will be opened and will be the permanent possession of the Harvard Golf Club.


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