
Cercle Francais.

The Cercle Francais at its final meeting last night elected the following officers for next year: President, R. Goelet '02; vice-president, A. S. Dixey '02; secretary, J. A. Dix '02; treasurer, H. C. Dickinson '02.

Theatricals for next year were decided upon provisionally. The intention at present is to give a one-act modern French farce as a curtain-raiser, to be followed by "Crispin Medecin," a short three-act play, similar in character to the works of Moliere. It may be found in Victor Fournel's collection of seventeenth-century comedies at the French library in Warren House; and also in a volume entitled "Repertoire du Theatre Francais."

No definite arrangements have yet been made in regard to the lecturer for next year.
