

During March, Mr. Gustav Strube, of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, will coach the Pierian Sodality for a spring concert to be given in Sanders Theatre.

A series of photographs of sculptures of the Italian Renaissance is now on view in the upper gallery of the Fogg Museum. Among the masters represented are: Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, Donatello, Luca della Robbia, Michael Angelo, Mino da Fiesola, Verrocchio, Benvenuto Cellini, and Giovanni da Bologna.

The following nineteen men have handed in their names as candidates for the position of manager of the Freshman baseball team: J. Browne, S. Blaikie, D. W. Howes, S. L. Bullivant, C. L. Perkins, R. E. Streit, C. W. Whiting, R. B. Thomas, F. H. Poor, J. L. White, A. H. Schefer, G. S. Foster, H. Notman, N. C. Foot, A. Notman, R. A. Wood, C. H. Derby, S. Burton, Mac A. Moore.
