
Intercollegiate Chess Match

Harvard has received the formal challenge from Princeton, Yale, and Columbia for the annual chess tournament. The tournament will be played in New York during the Christmas holidays at the Columbia Grammar School on 57th street. The schedule has been arranged as follows: Dec. 27, Harvard vs. Columbia, and Yale vs. Princeton; Dec. 28, Columbia vs. Yale, and Harvard vs Princeton; Dec. 29, Columbia vs. Princeton; and Harvard vs. Yale.

To avoid the necessity of frequently adjudicating games play will be started this year at 1 o'clock instead of 2, and will continue, as before, until 6. Unfinished games will be resumed in the evening at 8 and continue until 10. Mr. H. Helms and Mr. E. Delmar of the Manhattan Chess Club will be adjudicators and Dr. L. B. Broughton will be the director of the match.

The tournament this year will be played under entirely new conditions. It was voted at the last annual meeting of the association to change the length of the tournament from six to three days, and to increase the number of men on each team from two to four. This will do away with the old method of having each man play every other man, and will substitute team matches between the colleges.

Harvard will choose her team from the final round of the tournament now being played. Each man in the round will play six games, with a time limit of fifteen moves an hour. The four men making the best score will constitute the team. Owing to their excellent showing against Yale, the executive committee has decided to enter W. Catchings '01 and P. S. Estes '04 in the final round.

The other men entered in the final round and: W. G. Clerk '01, A. J. Fotch '01 E. W. Baker '04, E. R. Perry '03, C. T. Rice '01. As soon as the team is chosen active coaching will at once begin under the direction of G. H. Walcott and E. E. Southard 4M.
