
Harvard vs. Holy Cross.

The nine plays its first game with Holy Cross at Worcester this afternoon. Holy Cross, as usual, has a strong team, and the game should be an interesting one.

The nine has been handicapped of late by a series of set-backs to the pitchers. Almost all of them have been laid up more or less severely, and though they are improving, it is but slowly, and none are yet in first-class condition. The bad weather of the past week has prevented much out-door work, and necessitated cage practice, but the nine has been given unusually hard work notwithstanding, and is getting into fairly good condition.

A number of old 'Varsity players have helped with the coaching lately. J. D. Upton '93 and C. J. Paine, Jr., '97, assisted in the practice yesterday, and several more, among them F. W. Hallowell '93, J. Dean '97 and D. D. Scannell '97 are expected out soon.

The batting order today will be: Loughlin, s. s.; Burgess, c. f.; Rand, l. f.; Haughton, 2b.; Reid, c.; Robinson, 3b.; McCornick, Lynch, r. f.; Foster, 1b.; Cozzens, p.
