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A year ago today the '97 Yale team came to Cambridge and were defeated. Harvard's team had passed through a season very similar to the one which is just ending. They had experienced about the same number of defeats which have fallen to the lot of the present nine, and began to acquire 'Varsity form at about the same period in their training. The Princeton games were scheduled rather later than this year, and thus the showing was better, but the series with Brown and that with Holy Cross, which came at an earlier date, were lost. The record of the Yale nine had been about equal to that of their rivals, and although they have been successful against Princeton, the actual standing of the two teams in point of victories and defeats is practically the same as a year ago.

Thus there is every reason for Harvard men to feel confident in the ability of their nine to win. Recent achievements have borne witness to its ball-playing powers, and today the men are expected to outdo themselves.
