
L. E. Ware '99, State Champion.

L. E. Ware '99 won the tennis championship of the State yesterday, on the courts of the Longwood Cricket Club, by defeating H. Ward 1900, 6-3, 4-6, 6-3, 6-1. Neither player was in especially good form. Ward was particularly erratic. His back hand strokes were never sure and a fatal tendency of driving into the net lost him many points. Ware played fairly good tennis, but was inclined to play into his opponent's hands.

The second set brought out the best play of the afternoon. Ware had his opponent 4-2, when Ward rallied and won four straight games. His placing was remarkable; his stroke strong and sure. But after this he was unable to control his stroke and lost the match through inability to keep the ball in the court.
