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Saturday's baseball victory coming when the chances against Yale on the 23d are being seriously considered is on the whole decidedly reassuring. Although practically ineffective at the bat, the nine showed themselves capable of snappy and aggressive play in the field against a strong opponent, and Hayes's good form was in a high degree encouraging. This year's experience has certainly shown how a wild and ineffective pitcher demoralizes the men back of him, and what a steadying influence has one who inspires his team with confidence. If Hayes can keep his form, there will then be little excuse for a further slump in fielding when he is in the box.

It must be remembered however, that without strength at the batin a moderate degree, the strongest fielding nine cannot expect to win. Another point is, that if Harvard won against U. of P., Yale defeated Princeton, and that on Princeton's grounds. Therefore the nine must not take their victory as anything more than an encouragement to work harder, remembering that the first Yale game is but ten days off, that Yale has a chance to win the series from Princeton, and that a double victory over Yale will yet give Harvard the championship.
