
Last Freshman Musical Clubs Concert.

The Freshman Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs will give their third and last concert in Union Hall, Brookline, on Tuesday evening at eight o'clock. The other two concerts were given in Milton, and Brattle Hall, respectively, and, on the whole, were fairly successful. As a good many of the class are Brookline men it is hoped that more will turn out for the last concert than did for the Brattle Hall one. As the Freshman crew for whose benefit this concert is given needs money a large attendance is especially desired.

The Glee Club has been somewhat handicapped by the usual weakness of Freshman glees, a scarcity of first tenors, there being only three this year. The first basses, on the other hand, have been particularly strong, C. W. Locke and W. H. Smith especially. The club on the whole has been improving steadily and in the last concert kept together very well.

The Banjo Club has been handicapped also by the absence of its regular leader, R. F. Tucker, who was ill for some time. The club, though showing a lack of precision, plays with a good deal of swing and spirit.

The Mandolin Club, though the smallest, is the best of the three clubs. Under the efficient leadership of W. A. Parker it has shown precision and finish; furthermore it has had more practice than the other clubs, having played at several private theatrical entertainments as well as in the concerts.

The clubs are made up as follows:


Glee Club.

President, R. M. Mackay; vice-president, H. McK. Jones; sec. and treas., W. R. Lawrence; leader, N. H. Pirde.

First tenors-B. Taylor, P. C. Brown, H. C. Hawkins.

Second tenors-H. W. Keene, C. W. Jaynes, H. H. Murdock, A. H. Wadsworth, H. F. Newhall, J. Lawrence.

First basses-H. McK. Jones, C. W. Locke, C. T. Hanson, W. H. Smith, P. L. Fish, L. Ward, N. H. Pirde.

Second basses-M. W. Randall, R. M. Mackay, R. D. Swaim, W. A. Frost, W. R. Lawrence, C. H. Stir, R. S. H. Dyer.

Banjo Club.

President, W. Appleton; sec. and treas., C. H. Whitney; leader, R. F. Tucker.

Banjeaurines-R. F. Tucker, N. B. Vanderhoof, H. Adams, M. L. Witherell, C. H. Whitney, W. Appleton, G. S. Morse.

Banjos-H. W. Yates, S. H. Eldridge, R. Greely, P, Coyle, M. R. Rothschild, P. S. Browne, C. Boyden, R. K. Whiton.
