
Freshman Musical Clubs' Concert

The second concert of the Freshman musical clubs was given last night in Brattle Hall, Cambridge. The hall was fairly well filled, but there was a disappointingly small number of Freshmen present. Inasmuch as the concert was given for the benefit of the class crew, and this fact published in the posters, the number of Freshmen present was only a fair indication of the support that the crew has received so far this season. Of the three clubs, the Mandolin Club gave rather the best selections. They received the greates number of encores and the pieces were all executed with much precision and unity.

The following programme was given:

By the Glee Club-"Johnny Harvard," "Spin Spin," "Drinking Song," "Honey, You're Ma Lady Love," "Fair Harvard," and America; by the Mandolin Club-"Bride Elect March" and "Rendezvous March." The Banjo Club gave the "Darkies Parade" and "But One Vienna." Solos were sung by W. W. Randall and C. W. Locke.
