
College Nine, 9; West Point, 2.

The College nine defeated West Point at West Point, Saturday, 9 to 2, in an interesting and, for the College nine, a well played game. J. S. Galbraith made a beautiful catch of a hard liner over second. He jumped, managed to catch the ball in one hand and made a doubleplay, catching the base runner off second. The College nine made another double play in the sixth inning in almost the same way, Farrington catching a liner at second and Lewis putting the base runner out at first. Lane at centre played a good all-round game. He made three runs and gatheredy in four flies. A. V. Galbraith was steady and effective in the bo; he gave only one base on balls and never allowed his opponents to bunch their hits. Ennis, the West Point pitcher, went to pieces in the fifth inning, giving three bases on balls. The 'Varsity had intended to take Maguire to Ithaca but decided not to at the last moment.

The score by innings follows:

Innings, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Harvard, 1 3 0 0 3 0 2 0-9

West Point, 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-2

