
Harvard Plays Cornell Today.

The 'Varsity nine left Cambridge yesterday for Ithaca, N. Y., where it will play Cornell this afternoon.

Out of comparatively green and untried material, Cornell has developed a nine this year which was beaten by Princeton last Saturday only by a score of 3 to 0, and which may be expected to give Harvard a hard fight today. In nearly every game this season the men have hit the ball hard and have played a steady game in the field.

Morse will pitch this afternoon and with Reid as a back-stop, Cornell should find the Harvard battery an unusually effective one. It may be reasonably expected that the nine will play a fast game, as the poor work in the Lafayette game seems to have been a reaction following on the incessant hard work that the nine has been going through for some time. Aside from Cozzens in centre field in place of Lynch the 'Varsity will bat in its usual order.

The batting orders of the nines will be:

Harvard. Cornell.


Laughlin, s. s. l. f., Stratton.

Rand, l. f. 1b., Martaugh.

Burgess, r. f. c., Young.

Haughton, 2b. 3b., Smith.

Cozzens, c. f. s. s., Haskell.

McCornick, 1b. c. f., Miller.

Clark, 3b. 2b., Genger.

Reid, c. r. f., Blair.

Morse, p. p., Bole.
