

To appear in this column, notices must be left at the office before 9 p. m.

HARVARD MEMORIAL SOCIETY-Members can get shingles at 14 Little's Block today between 12 and 1.

MOTT HAVEN TEAM.- Hoyt, Morse, Fish, Warren, Fox, Hallowell, Nickerson, J. G. Clark, Rice, Draper, Ellis, Bush, Robinson, Green, Grant, Hennen, Boal, S. F. Mills meet at the square at 10.30 sharp this morning to go to New York.

BICYCLE SQUAD: All men be at Charles River Park Track at 9 o'clock this morning to ride trials for the team to go to New York. Four men will be chosen who will leave with the Mott Haven team this morning at 10.45.

The following men are requested to acts as ushers at the Princeton game, Saturday. Any man unable to serve should notify J. W. Edmunds immediately. Ushers will report to H. M. Adams, at Soldiers Field locker building on Saturday at 1.45 p. m.:

G. W. Bouve '98. H. K. Brent '98.


J. E. N. Shaw '98. B. Vincent '98.

P. Dalton '98. B. Dibblee '99.

J. C. Rice '98. R. W. P. Brown '98.

J. Thayer '98. A. S. Walker '98.

T. Hoague '98. P. Jaffray '99.

S. L. Fuller '98. W. K. Otis '98.

J. Prentiss '98. R. P. Utter '98.

L. Marvin '98. W. H. Wheelock '98.

J. Procter '98.

ALL the cricket team who went to Philadelphia be at Pach's studio at 3.45 to have the picture taken.

THE friends of the late Dr. John Henry Boynton are asked to meet for a short time this evening (Thursday) at 7 p. m. in 4 Hilton Block.

'99 BASEBALL.- Hall, Franklin, Rumery, Cochrane, Taylor, Whitbeck, Jaffray, Holden, Nowell, Dibblee, Jameson, Thompson, Litchfield be at Soldiers Field at 3.30.

1900 NINE.- Practice on Norton's Field at 4. All be out. Game Friday with '99.

NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY.- Photograph postponed until Friday at 2.30.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7.30. Full attendance required.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Business meeting at 7 p. m. Election of officers.

COLLEGE NINE.- Practice at 3.30 on Soldiers Field.

CENTRAL New York Club.- Meeting at 68 Mt. Auburn street, Thursday at 8 p. m. Annual election of officers. Important.

WELD BOAT CLUB.- Assessments ($1) may be sent to G. O. Clark, 58 Mt. Auburn street.

FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal at 4.45 Thursday in L. S. S. Everyone must be there.
