

Parade of Harvard Battalion.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

The Harvard battalion has been invited to attend the exercises in Sanders Theatre on Memorial Day. A parade of the battalion in the forenoon of the same day has been proposed. The plan would be for the various companies to take care from Harvard square to the head of Beacon street, Boston, and there form for the parade through a number of the principal streets of Boston. A full band would accompany the battalion.

This plan would not only give excellent practice in street drill,- forming squares, street column, etc.,- but would also help to show the patriotic spirit of the University.

A fair degree of uniformity in dress can be attained by wearing white duck trousers, dark coats, and perhaps the military slouch hats, though the latter need not be prescribed.

At present we have full equipment for four hundred men. Doubtless many more will wish to participate, and a strong effort will be made to secure equipment for that number. The guns, belts, etc., now on hand will be assigned to men in the order of application to officers of present companies. As soon as four hundred names are on the rolls, the parade will be definitely announced.


All men who have drilled should report to the company officers as soon as possible. An effort will be made to get undrilled men into shape for the parade, by giving daily drill upon the exact movements necessary for the march; but no man can hope for a place unless he is willing to drill at least six hours this week,- an hour and a half a day for four days.

The Freshman companies will meet at 4.30 Tuesday afternoon with the other companies. It is hoped that the Freshman companies will turn out in such numbers as to remove all doubt of patriotism in the class. A strong and steady pull together at this time will do much to strengthen the position of the class in the University.

One very important purpose of the military drill seems not to have been given due consideration. In a few weeks over 3000 young men will leave Cambridge for various parts of the country. Before the next term opens, who can say what calls will come from the military authorities at Washington? No one can now tell when this war will end or what severe trouble may be in store for our nation. Every man in the University owes it as a duty to his country to make ready for some kind of service. He may be too young to enlist; he may not be able to pass the physical test; his home obligations may withhold him from going to the front; but neither age, physical defect nor home ties should prevent him from helping other men to get ready for the front. Every man in the University should go forth in June qualified in some way to be of more service to his country than merely to shoulder a rifle and go into an awkward squad. Every man should go forth with the feeling that he has denied himself a few hours of other kinds of sport or pleasure, in this period of actual warfare, and has helped to prove his devotion to the cause of freedom and to the principles of the great republic.

The world looks on today to see whether education means indifference or patriotism. Men of Harvard, how shall we answer this question?

