

To appear in this column, notices must be left at the office before 9 p. m.

CRIMSON.- Very important meeting of the Senior Board at 1.30 promptly today.

'VARSITY BASEBALL.- Lunch at training table at 1 o'clock sharp.

MILITARY COMPANIES.- All 1900 men who wish to form themselves into companies for military drill will meet at the Gymnasium at 4.30 this afternoon for preliminary organization.

W. S. BURKE.RECONCENTRADOS.- Practice game this afternoon at 3.45 on Norton's Field. All must be out on time.

GOLF CLUB.- Grounds will be open for play for the rest of the season.


SHOOTING CLUB.- Shoot this afternoon from 3 to 5.

FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal at 7.00 in L. S. S. All be present to get new piece.

FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight in 4 Apley Court at 8.00 sharp.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7.

'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 p. m. sharp. Those absent will be fined.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal at 7 sharp with Mr. Loeffler. Concert May 7 at University Club.
