
'Varsity Crew Shake-up.

There was a thorough shake-up yesterday in the first and second 'Varsity boats. Locke, who has been stroking the First boat for the last few days, has rejoined the Freshman squad and Dobyns was put at stroke. J. H. Perkins was moved down to six, replacing J. F. Perkins who took that seat in the second boat. Higginson went down from two to four. Blake filled two and Harding replaced G. Marvin at bow. Wadsworth was also in the first boat taking J. Lawrence's seat at three. The two crews rowed down the river for some distance, but did not race together. Despite the fact that there was such a thorough shake up and that the men were not used to rowing together, both eights seemed to row with fair steadiness.

The order of the two boats was as follows:

First Boat. Second Boat.

Dobyns, stroke, Byrd.

Biddle, 7, Bedford.


J. H. Perkins. 6, J. F. Perkins.

Heath, 5. J. Lawrence.

Higginson, 4, Kernan.

Wadsworth, 3, Marvin.

Blake, 2, Brown.

Harding, bow, Adams.

The Freshmen were given a day off but will row today.
