
Special Notice.

DANA CHAMBERS.- Two choice corner singles. Large window seats. All quartered oak finish. Best of plumbing. Steam heat. Gas and electric light. Hard wood floors. Send for pamphlet or call at Cambridge Savings Bank, Cambridge.

The business of the Harvard Cycle Co. is carried on at Newman's.

LIGHT BATTERY A, M. V. M.- If they go into the U. S. Service may not need English Cricketing Suits this season, but L. P. Hollander and Co., who have just imported a large assortment of these goods wish to call attention of all Harvard men to them. 61 tf

TUTORING it will pay you to have. Man on probation received honor mark at mid-years. Italian, German, French. Also Spanish I. Address, W. S. Hayes, 34 College House. 77 2

MEN'S hand-sewed sole and heeled formerly $1.50 now $1.15. Men's nail sole and heel formerly $1.00 now 85 cts. Soles only, 25 cts. less. Other work at the same reduction. Also agent for Medford Laundry. F. H. Davis, No. 7 Boylston St. Up one flight. 67 t8


If you want your wheel repaired take it to Newman's.

RATTLE says that the R. R. G. have the best weel mount for a canoe that he has ever seen; that he means to have it next week for a trip round the Charles, Sudbury and Concord Rivers.

MISS POST'S School for Instruction in Dancing at Pierce Hall, Copley Square, Boston. Private lessons a specialty. The "Cne Step" or "Dip" taught in one lesson. Office hours 9-11 a. m. daily. 1

A full line of low and high shoes, black, tan and patent, prices $3.50 to $8.00, at Newman's.

THE College Athlete offers liberal terms to agents in the University. We have an opening for an undergraduate with a chance to make money. Not a subscription agency. Address, 6 Beacon St., Boston.

If you want any bicycle sundries go to Newman. A full stock on hand.
