
Letter from Class Day Committee.

To the Class of '98:

In connection with the notice which appeared in Monday's CRIMSON, the Class Day Committee desires to present a plan for afternoon exercises which might be appropriately substituted for the Tree Exercises.

Realizing that the removal from the old place will be required by the Corporation in the near future, the committee began by looking about for a new site. The place which most naturally suggested itself was the quadrangle formed by Sever, the Library, University and Appleton Chapel. Aside from the beauty of the enclosure, it was thought the large space would afford a greater seating capacity and a less crowded and, consequently, less dangerous arrangement than sould be secured about the Tree. Investigation, however, revealed that the position of the trees makes impossible the erection of suitable grand stands. It is true a greater seating capacity could be had, but only at the expense unduly of separating the spectators, not only into small groups among themselves but, also, from the classes. Such an arrangement would exclude those close relations between the spectators and the classes which have always been found so essential to the success of college exercises. It is for these reasons that the committee does not approve of a removal to the quadrangle. The next place to suggest itself was the Delta at the west end of Memorial Hall.

The Delta offers a number of advantages. First, as a place for holding the afternoon exercises, it is approved by the President and the Corporation; second, it affords a seating capacity of one thousand seats more than the space about the Tree; third, the arrangement of the seats admits of larger entrances and exits, and thereby reduces the danger in case of a panic; fourth, more room within the enolosure made by the seats is secured to the graduates and undergraduates than is possible about the Tree; fifth, the John Harvard statue forms an appropriate centre about which the Seniors may assemble. Seats would be erected on three sides only of the Delta; one row facing the statue, one to either side of it, but none at its back. The space to the rear of the statue would be reserved for graduates. A plan of the exercises themselves might be somewhat as follows. In making these suggestions, however, the committee realizes they are only an out-line and rough conception of what might be done in case the class decides to remove to the Delta.

After assembling in the Yard, the elasses, Junior, Sophomore, Freshman and Senior, will march through the north gate across to the Delta, entering from the side facing the statue; Juniors will line up at the foot of the north row of seats, Sophomores at the foot of the west row, and Freshmen at the foot of the south row. The Seniors, in caps and gowns, will enter last and will form in semi-circles in front of, and facing the statue. The arrangement would then be, graduates at the end of Memorial Hall with John Harvard at their head, and Seniors facing the statue about to be welcomed into the ranks of the graduates. This, with the other classes arranged as already mentioned, will form the scene from the spectators' point of view.


In making these changes it must not be supposed that all the features of the old exercises will be abandoned, for, although the scrap will have to go entirely, the cheering and singing will be continued. Instead, however, of a scanty amount of singing as heretofore, the 'Varsity and Freshman Glee Clubs will be present, near the statue, and together, in order that the volume of voice may be greater, will alternate with the cheering in singing Harvard songs suitable for the occasion. Seniors will be expected to help out in the singing as well as in the cheering. Toward the latter part of the exercises some prominent graduate, standing to the right of the statue, will make an address, a short one of only some ten minutes, welcoming the Seniors into the ranks of the graduates. Then there will be more cheering and singing. The exercises will conclude with the singing of Fair Harvard, during which everyone will rise and join in the song. After the song the Seniors will separate and pass to either side of the statue, taking as they pass the flowers with which the base of the statue will be covered; they will then leave the Delta by the exit to the rear and left of the statue. The exercises will then have been concluded.

