
Soldiers Field Speedway.

Work has been started on the speedway and river drive across the Soldiers Field marshes. A railroad has been laid to be used in the operations and three dredging machines are now removing the material from the Charles, with which the dike and drives are to be built. A gang of men is putting down a system of piping to drain the marshes back of the dike.

The driveway is to be about 160 feet wide in all, with two separate drives, four sidewalks and a bicycle path. It will follow the river bank to a point opposite Longfellow Park, thence the speedway proper will extend straight to the abattoir, at the southwest corner of the field, a distance of about a mile. Enough ground will be allowed between the driveway and the river, just above the Boylston street bridge, for the proposed University boat house. It is not thought that these improvements on Soldiers Field will be entirely completed within two years.
