
Crew Notes.

G. D. Marvin '99 has been elected captain of the second crew. The plan at present is to have this crew row under Mr. Willis's coaching for about three weeks before attempting any racing against the 'Varsity crew. Races will then probably occur frequently. Though both crews have thus far rowed in the order in which they were made up on Tuesday, they are liable to change at any time. The 'Varsity is rowing in its barge and partly because of the natural steadiness of this boat is rowing very evenly and smoothly. The crew appears to be boated extremely well.

The order of the Freshman crew has been changed several times since the class race, but for the last two days no change has been made. Owing to the loss of Lawrence who is rowing on the 'Varsity, Perry has been moved from 5 to 7 and Lyman put in at 5. Talbot is now rowing at 4 in place of Loud. These changes have, of course, set the crew back somewhat, but the men are beginning to get together again, and the boat is travelling better than a day or two ago. The crew will race the B. A. A. again the first of next week and will race the Worcester High School on Lake Quinsigamond toward the end of May. In order to give the substitutes practice in rowing in an eight and to give all the men practice in racing, it has been decided to form a second Freshman eight. For this Swaim, McConnell and Brigham will be taken from the Weld, and with the present substitutes, Loud, Hawkins, Wheelwright, Williams and Webster, will make up the eight. A shell is now being rigged for them and it will be ready in a day or two.

The present order of the first crew is: Stroke, Locke; 7, Perry; 6, Peyton; 5, Lyman; 4, Talbot; 3, Frost; 2, Whitney; bow, Endicott.
