
Graduate Weld Crew.

The Graduate Weld crew, although made up of comparatively inexperienced oarsmen, is going well together. This is due principally to the long time the men have been rowing as an eight.

Individually the men are a strong lot. Hitchcock who is now stroking was substitute on the Yale Henley crew in '96. Ballantine, 7, has had some experience on his class crew at Yale. The rest of the men are fairly finished. The crew as a whole rows a strong stroke with an excellent run. There is no stopping be tween strokes, and the time is lately very much improved. The crew was yesterday changed about somewhat. Their order is now as follows: Stroke, Hitchcock; 7, Ballantine; 6, Byrd; 5, Cross; 4, Morill; 3, Bacon; 2, Parker; bow, Nichols.
