

The Union and the Forum May Unite and Form One Club.

A combination between the two upper-class debating societies-the Union and the Forum is now within the range of probabilities. Some months ago committees were appointed by both societies to devise a plan of consolidation. After lengthy consideration this joint committee drew up a report favorable to the scheme, which report provided that the new organization should be named either the "Harvard Union" or the "Harvard University Debating Society."

Further the report recommends, first, that a committee consisting of two men from each society shall draw up a constitution and report at the first regular meeting of the united society; and second, that the first president and treasurer shall be chosen from the Union and the remaining officers, namely, the secretary and member of the executive committee shall be chosen from the Forum.

At a meeting of the Forum Monday evening it was voted to adopt the first two sections of the joint committee's report. A vote was also passed in favor of consolidation, providing that the name of the united society be not the "Harvard Union" and recommending that the name of the new organization be "The University Debating Society."

The Union will meet tonight to take action on the Forum's proposal as to a name.
