
College Nine Defeats the 'Varsity.

Yesterday afternoon the 'Varsity nine was defeated by the College team in a game of nine innings by a score of 7-5. The score stood even at the beginning of the eighth inning when the College nine went to bat. Hits by Maguire and Galbraith and a poor throw by Pote to Haughton then enabled the College nine to score twice. In the last two innings, but six men batted for the 'Varsity, A. Highlands proving very effective in the box.

Throughout the game the 'Varsity showed decided lack of energy. The batting was weak and the few hits were untimely. But one hit was made off Galbraith who was in the box four innings and two off Highlands who pitched the last four innings.

In the field, Foster took the place of Clark who is ill, and at first, McCornick was severely handicapped by a broken finger. Both men, however, played vey creditable ball, McCornick especially making some brilliant stops. Laughlin played his usual steady game in the field but failed to show up very well at the bat. At second, Haughton was decidedly off his form, being accountable for several loose plays which were more or less inexcusable. His batting also seems to have fallen off considerably during the past week.

In the outfield Rand made two beautiful running catches of almost impossible balls.

For the College Nine, Buckman played a strong game behind the bat, proving unsusually effective in throwing to bases. Ewer, Maguire and Galbraith also did some good fielding.


The batting order follows:

'Varsity-McCornick, 1b.; Laughlin, s. s.; Rand, l. f.; Haughton, 2b.; Chandler, Burgess, r. f.; Lynch, c. f.; Foster, 3b.; Buckman, Pote, c.; Mooney, Galbraith, Highlands, p.

College Nine-Litchfield, Ewer, 3b.; Sears, l. f.; Lewis, 1b.; Foster, r. f.; Lane, Farrington, c. f.; Maguire, 2b.; Galbraith, s. s.; Buckman, c.; Mooney, Galbraith, Highlands, p.
