
Work of the Football Squad.

The men out for spring football practice have been divided into two squads, of approximately equal strength. G. Murchie is in charge of one and Captain Dibblee of the other. Next week two teams will be chosen from these squads which will play against each other towards the end of the spring work. Each squad has its own signals and only a few simple plays will be learned. Yesterday the squads ran through signals, every man being tried in the line-up. Catching punts, blocking off and breaking through constituted the remainder of the day's work.

Murchie's squad is made up of the following men: L. Ward 2S., R. Paine '98, J. A. Tirrell 2 L., W. Burden 1900, H. C. Force 1901, B. Taylor 1901, W. A. Buxton 1900, P. Brown '99, R. H. Leavell 1901, S. J. Kornhauser 1901, H. S. Dennison '99, H. W. Stowell '99, J. S. Graydon '98, R. A. Jackson '99, C. O. Swain 1900, J. N. Trainor, Jr., 1900.

Captain Dibblee's squad is made up as follows: F. D. Cochrane '99, A. Walter 1901, T. C. Catlin '99, A. R. Sargent 1900, E. Gray 1900, E. Heard 1900, A. Davis 1900, E. B. Mackaye 1900, O. T. Hester 1 L., A. L. Nickerson 1901, C. H. Hatch 1900, A. Turner 1901, P. M. Jaffray '99, G. B. Hanavan 2 L. C. Sargent and Stone who are still in Hopkinson School are also training with this squad.
