

To appear in this column, notices must be left at the office before 9 p. m.

WELD BOAT CLUB.- Important notice.- Until further notice every member of the Weld Boat Club must show his ticket daily to the janitor before he will be allowed to go out in a boat. This rule will be rigidly enforced in cases of candidates for crews. By order of the Governing Board.

WELD CREWS.- '98 first crew at 3.30, all others at 4; '99 first crew at 3.30, all others at 4.15; 1901 first crew at 4.30, all others at 5; 1900 first crew at 5, second crew at 5.15, all others at 5.30.

The following candidates for the 1900 crew will take the strength test: 2 p. m., Graham and Haughton; 2.10, Livermore; 2.20. Sherburne; 2.30, Curtiss; 2.40, Morrill; 2.50, Fabyan; 3.00, Bolling and Nichols; 3.10, Skillings; 3.20, Bliss; 3.30, Clark; 3.40, Talbot; 3.50, Malinckrodt; 4, Ayer and Hawes.

SHOOTING CLUB.- There will be a shoot this afternoon from 3 until 5.30. All men who have ever shot at all are urged to try for the team. There will be a match for the Founders Cup next Thursday, March 17.

THERE will be a rehearsal of the Freshman Glee Club Thursday at 6.45. All the words of Boreen must be learned by heart. The fine hereafter for absence will be 50 cents. All regular men, Gordon, Prouty and McKay attend.


RIFLE AND REVOLVER CLUB.- Very important business meeting Monday evening at 7 p. m. in 38 Claverly Hall. Every member is urged to attend promptly.

HARVARD CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- The general secretary can be found in Grays 17 mornings except Tuesday 10.30-11.00, and afternoons except Saturday 2.30 3.00.

LAMPOON.- Drawings for the Lampoon should be left with R. P. Bellows, 16 Hilton. 16 4

ANY students having old magazines or periodicals which they have done with, will confer a great favor by leaving them at the Crimson office for use by students engaged in charity work in Boston. Papers and books received are carried to poor families by student visitors. 16 4

CONTRIBUTIONS for carrying on the work of the University Club Committee may be left at Leavitt and Peirce's or sent to W. Phillips, 33 Bow street.

LACROSSE.- Practice today on Norton's field at 4 o'clock sharp. The new sticks have arrived and may be obtained at 15 Holyoke House any evening at 7 o'clock.
