
Special Notice.

YES, I really think Griffith's at 7 Brattle street, Harvard square, is one of the best conducted barber shops I ever saw. I always feel satisfied when I get my hair cut there. They take so much pains in trimming it to have it look just so. Of course they make a specialty of haircutting. Get Griffith to hone your razor.

TYPEWRITING, Weaver 44 College House.

CHOICE editions of Stevenson, Kipling, Bret Harte, Poe, Field, Lowell, Holmes, Emerson, Hawthorne, Whittier, Longfellow, Parkman, Dickens, Scott, Dumas, Bulwer, Hugo, Balzac, Eliot, Irving, Reade, Mark Twain, Arabian Nights unexpurgated, Lady Jackson's Works, Secret Court Memoirs, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias. All authors. Payments of $1 or $2 per month satisfactory. X, Crimson office. 91 5i

L. PINKOS and Co., Tailors.- Grand opening in our new store, 1122 Mass. Ave., (opp. Remington St.). A great reduction in prices for the months of January and February. Call and examine. 75 tf

DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. S. J. Chandler's meets at Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday nights. Private lessons by appointment. Residence, 290 Harvard street, corner of Clinton street. 2 tf


TUTORING.- Italian 1, Fine Arts 3, English 8 and 28; in all courses in English, German, French (approved); and in Latin 10.

M. LEN. KING, A. B., 1 College House.99 tf

THE old stand at Foster's is the best place in Cambridge to get a good lunch. All kinds of temperance drinks. 7 tf

GEORGE T. MOFFATT is the only shorthand stenographer in Cambridge that makes a specialty of students' work. He pays special attention to typewriting Themes, Theses, Forensics and Briefs. Low rates for Dictation. Crimson office.

TUTORING in Economics 1 and 9. MORTON A. ALDRICH, PH. D., Thayer 24.

94 10

PACH BROS. can supply amateur albums of various sizes at very reasonable rates.

NOTES in History 1.- Full notes, with appendix on geography. Also-Tutoring in History 1 and Government 1. Special rates to classes. Several years' experience. Best references. Orders for notes and appointments by postal or at 8 Winthrop Hall, Brattle St., at the following hours daily: 12.00-1.00; 1.45-2-15; 5.00-6.00; 7.00-7.30.

R. W. JACKMAN, A. B.93 10

NEW E flat Besson cornet with C attachment for sale. Write or apply at 18 Felton Hall, Cambridge. 80 24
