
Class Crews.

On Monday the class crews were called out and during the week the different squads have been training on the machines and in the tank and exercising in the Gymnasium. The candidates for the Senior crew number about thirty-two. They are being coached by G. S. Mumford '87, Captain Goodrich, J. H. Perkins and H. Adams.

Though the members of last year's '99 crew are not yet training regularly the squad now contains about fifty-one men. Those men who have rowed before are rowing in the tank, and the new men are working on the machines. Nelson Perkins '91 is to be coach of the crew. J. F. Perkins, Boardman, Donald, McDuffie, Marvin and Thomson are also coaching the men at present.

The 1900 squad contains fifty-two candidates, besides the members of last year's crew. About three crews of the more experienced men are rowing in the tank, the rest on the machines. Mr. J. J. Storrow '85, who is going to coach the crew this year met the men last night in the Trophy Room and told them that no man could expect to win a place in the boat without doing a great deal of rowing in singles on the river. The Weld float will probably be got out in a couple of days, so that men can begin this practice in watermanship promptly. Higginson and Biddle are also coaching the squad.

E. C. Storrow '89 and R. M. Townsend '96 are to coach the Freshman crew.
