

CRIMSON.- Meeting of the board and half yearly election Monday evening, February 14th at 7.30. Graduate editors will be welcome.

'VARSITY AWKWARD SQUAD.- No more rowing. All men join their class squads.

RIFLE AND REVOLVER CLUB.- Mallinckrodt, Poor, Cobb, Kingan and Bancroft be at Union Station at 1.55 sharp today.

'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal Monday at 4.45 prompt in L. S. S. 4. Very important.

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Trial of candidates will be held in Lower Dane on Feb. 14 and 18, at 7 p. m.


IT is desired that all men dropped from the Freshman crew squad, and any other members of the University who wish to train, join the Mott Haven squads at once.

THERE will be a trial of candidates for the 'Varsity Banjo Club on Friday, Feb. 18, at 7 p. m. at 68 Mt. Auburn St. Banjeaurines, banjos and guitars are needed, especially guitars.

FRESHMAN DEBATING CLUB.- The Freshman Debating Club will hold its next meeting on Monday evening, Feb. 14, at 7 p. m. in Harvard 1. A large attendance is desired as officers for the last half-year will be elected. Any member who has not yet obtained his shingle can do so at this meeting.

A meeting of the Division of Ornithology and Mammology of the Harvard Natural History Society will be held this evening in the rooms of R. W. Gray 1901, 506 Craigie Hall, at 8 o'clock. A paper will be read by T. H. Bergen 1901, entitled "Spring Birds of Cambridge, Mass."

THE Students' Bible Class, under Professor Platner, has reached the postexilic stage in its study of the Old Testament. This point marks a great change in the history of the Jews, and the present is the most fitting time for new members to join the class, and for any any old members whom examinations have kept away recently to renew their study. After the prophetic books are finished, portions of the law, and the poetic books-the most interesting part of the year's work-will be taken up. The class meets each Sunday at 12 o'clock in the "Students' Trancept," Shepard Memorial Church, corner of Mason and Garden streets.
