
Harvard Professors Abroad.

Professor C. L. Smith of the Latin Department is spending his Sabbatical year at Rome, where he has charge of the "School of Classical Studies." During the spring, however, he intends to visit Naples and Pompeii for the purpose of study.

Professor E. S. Sheldon, head of the Department of "Romance Philology," is in Berlin on a full year's absence. According to his present plans he expects to return about the first of next June.

Assistant Professor P. H. Hanus, who has charge of the "History and Art of Teaching," has been making an inspection of the schools in England and France. He is now at Leipzig.

Assistant Professor H. K. Schilling first went to Leipzig, but he is at present in Berlin, engaged in finishing his edition of Schiller's "Wallenstein," which he has been preparing for some time. He will remain in Berlin until April.

Assistant Professor R. Thaxter, of the Department of Botany, has been in Florida since September, collecting plants and studying. This winter he expects to go to Jamaica, provided the yellow fever permits; and during the spring he will visit Europe, spending his time principally in France and Germany.

