
University Calendar.

6. Thursday.

Reading from Goldsmith. Mr. Cope land. Sever 11, 3.45 p. m.

Open to the public.

Vesper Service. Appleton Chapel, 5 p. m.

Open to the public.

Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert. Soloist: Mr. Alwin Schroeder. Sanders Theatre, 7.45 p. m.


Programme: Mozart, Overture, "Magic Flute"; Bach, Sinfonia, (Shepherd's Music) from the "Christmas Oratorio"; Pietro Locatelli, 1693-1764, Sonata for Violoncello; Raff, Symphony No. 3, "In the Woods." Part I. In the Daytime. Part II. At Twilight. Part III. At Night.

Talks on the History of Medicine. I. Prefatory. Hippocrates to the Sixteenth Century. Dr. David Hunt. Harvard Medical School, 688 Boylston St., Boston, 8 p. m.

Open to the members of the University and to members of the medical profession.
