
Lectures on English Novelists.

On Tuesday evenings during February, March and April, Mr. Copeland will give a course of lectures, open only to members of the University, on the English Novelists. The lectures will be both biographical and critical, and on each evening some passages will read from the author under discussion. Mr. Copeland will trace the resemblances between the different novelists and show how far the later ones are indebted to the earlier, but at the same time he will endeavor to make the treatment of each novelist complete and interesting of itself for the benefit of men who do not attend regularly. Sets of the works of the writers discussed and books of criticism and other collateral reading will be reserved in the Library, and it is hoped that the men attending will make use of them, so as to make the lectures a sort of brief informal course in the novelists.

The lectures will be given in Sever 11, at eight o'clock, on the following dates:

Feb. 8, Richardson; Feb. 15, Fielding; March 1, Fielding; March 8, Fielding; March 15, Smollett; March 22, Thackeray; April 5, Dickens; April 12, George Eliot.
