
Special Notice.

ENGLISH A, 1, 2, 8, 28; French A, 1a, 1b, 1c; German A, B, C, 1a, 1b, 1c; Government 1. Tutoring.

F. J. MACLEOD, A. M., Craigie 406. 5-6 p. m.87 10

LOST.- Notes in French 6, left in Harvard 5 on Monday the 17th. Finder please return them to Crimson office or to E. L. Dudley, 24 Beck Hall. 89 3

PHILOSOPHY 1A.- Typewritten notes, carefully taken from the lectures and from Jevons, with full number of examples, and illustration by diagrams. All points in the course are touched upon. For sale at Sever's and at Thurston's. 1 2

CHOICE editions of Stevenson, Kipling, Bret Harte, Poe, Field, Lowell, Holmes, Emerson, Hawthorne, Whittier, Longfellow, Parkman, Dickens, Scott, Dumas, Bulwer, Hugo, Balzac, Eliot, Irving, Reade, Mark Twain, Arabian Nights unexpurgated, Lady Jackson's Works, Secret Court Memoirs, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias. All authors. Payments of $1 or $2 per month satisfactory. X, Crimson office. 91 51


HISTORY 1 and Government 1.- Tutoring. Special rates to classes. Several years' experience. Best references. Appointments by postal or at 8 Winthrop Hall, Brattle St., at the following hours daily: 12.00-1.00; 1.45-2.15, 5.00-6.00, 7.00-7.30 p. m.

