

FRESHMAN BASEBALL.- Candidates be at Carey Building at 3.45 sharp. Every Freshman who can play baseball should come out.

ICE HOCKEY.- Practice on Franklin Field at 3 p. m. today. Play Brown Wednesday at Cambridge. Enough men to make up two teams are urged to come out.

RIFLE AND REVOLVER CLUB.- The following men are to shoot next Saturday: Mallinckrodt, Cobb, Kingan, Pruyn, Hodskins and Bell.

DEUTSCHER VEREIN.- Meeting tonight at 7 o'clock sharp in Wadsworth House. Annual election of officers.

THERE will be a union meeting of the Religious Societies in Harvard 1, Wednesday, Jan. 19, at 7.30 p. m. The Rev. P. J. Supple, D. D., will give an address on "A Leaf from the Modern Religious History of France."


WORCESTER ACADEMY CLUB.- Meeting to elect officers at 58 Perkins, after University Club meeting. All Worcester Academy men invited.

STUDENT VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE.- Mr. Birtwell will be in Grays 17 on Tuesday from 9 to 11 to talk with men in regard to volunteer charity work.

THERE will be a meeting of the Mechanical Section of the Harvard Engineering Society on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at 17 Conant. Mr. J. B. Dowst of the Sturtevant Co. will talk from his experiences. The Electrical Section is especially invited.
