

CRIMSON.- Important meeting of the Board tonight at 7.30.

'VARSITY BASEBALL.- Battery candidates: 2.00 p. m.- Blair, Doran, Dill, Davis, Morse.

2.30 p. m.- Rumery, MacDonald, Hall, Frenklin, Slade.

3.00 p. m.- Bacon, Schwill, Williams, Reid, Egbert, Stearns.

Anyone who finds that the hour assigned conflicts with his studies must notify Mr. Lewis at once.


FRESHMAN CREW.- Rull's squad row at 3.30 sharp; other squads row same as usual.

'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight in Ware at 7 sharp.

FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight in Ware Hall Gymnasium at 8 o'clock sharp.

'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal in L. S. S. today 1 at 4.45 prompt.

B. A. A. at 7.45 sharp; leave square at 7.15.

PIEBIAN SODALITY.- Short, but very important, business meeting for members only tonight at 7 o'clock sharp. Let every member be present promptly. No more rehearsals till after the Mid Years.

THERE will be a meeting of the Mechanical Section of the Harvard Engineering Society on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at 17 Conant. Mr. J. B. Dowst of the Sturtevant Co. will talk from his experiences. The Electrical Section is especially invited.
