
Special Notice.

TRACEY'S Cafe and Dining Rooms for students. Meal tickets, 18 meals, $5.00. Unequalled board and best of service. Club tables to let. 77 12

PROF. H. E. MUNROE, select dancing class at Eberle Hall, Union Square, Somerville. Opens next Friday evening. Beginners at 7.45; advanced at 9.30 to 12. Terms, gentlemen $5.00 or ladies $3.00. This school is very popular with students, over twenty having already joined this class. 82 3

FOR Hungry Students-First-class table board at $4 per week. Home cooking. Best of food. Pleasant rooms to let. Mrs. B. E. Carlson, 51 Wendell St.

FRESHMEN! Don't buy pencils. You can get them by calling at Pach's Studio, where Mr. Tupper will be pleased to show you all the different athletic and society groups of Harvard. 83 3

LOST.- A light colored mackintosh, from the gymnasium locker room, between 2 and 3.30 p. m., Jan. 12. Two dollars reward for return of the same. No questions asked.


T. H. HAINES, 20 Mellen St.LOST.- A bunch of keys on an annealed iron wire ring, on Jan. 11. Return to 30 Perkins.
