

GOLF CLUB.- Any member of the University wishing to join the Harvard Golf Club may do so by sending the annual dues of $5 to J. F. Curtis, Treasurer, 42 Claverly Hall.

'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 4.45. All men must attend and be prompt.

SCRUB 1.- Meet on Soldiers Field at 3. Game with No Names.

FARMERS.- Every man be on Soldiers Field at 2.15. Game at 2.30.

MOTT HAVEN TEAM.- Will all men whose names do not appear in the entry list for the M. I. T. games, and who are training for these sports kindly send their names to Stoughton 28 as soon as possible.


LAMPOON.- Picture will be taken on Monday at 1.30. All members of the Board be present.

LOCKER BUILDING.- It has become necessary to close the Locker Building on Soldiers Field for repairs and the building will not be open for use after tomorrow, May 8. Men who have bought lockers this spring may get their clothes and the price of lockers will be refunded to them at the building any time today or tomorrow.

The Freshman Banjo Club will meet tonight at 8 o'clock.

RIFLE AND REVOLVER CLUB.- All interested in forming a College Rifle and Revolver Club will please call at 8 Ware Hall this afternoon between 2.30 and 3 o'clock, or if unable to attend send names to C. H. Taylor, 126 Commonwealth avenue, Boston.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal at 5.15 o'clock this afternoon at Lower Dane. No cuts allowed.

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB rehearsal at 6.45 sharp, All must attend who wish to sing in the spring concert.

LADY FINGERS, be on Soldiers Field, dressed to play at 2.15 sharp.

CRIMSON.- Picture of the board at Pach's at 1.30 today, sharp.

SHAKESPEARE CLUB.- The club photograph will be taken today in Pach's studio at 1 o'clock sharp.

TICKETS FOR PENNSYLVANIA GAMES.- Tickets for the Pennsylvania games are now on sale at Leavitt and Peirce's. All seats on the two sides of the field where races finish will be reserved. As the games are held under the auspices of the Pennsylvania-Harvard Dual Track Association, H. A. A. members' tickets will not admit.

ENGINEERING SOCIETY.- Important business meeting, Friday, May 7, at 7.30 p. m., in L. S. S.

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