
University Calendar.

April 10. Saturday.Geological Excursion to Meriden, Conn., conducted by Professor W. M. Davis.

11. Sunday.Appleton Chapel, 7.30 p. m. Rev. Professor J. Winthrop Platner, of Cambridge.

Rev. Francis G. Peabody will conduct prayers from April 12 to April 17.

Dr. Peabody may be found at Wadsworth House 1 daily from 9 till 11.

12. Monday.President and Fellows of Harvard College. Meeting at No. 50 State St., Boston, 10.30 a. m.


Lecture. VI. The Relations of the Superintendent with the Teachers. Superintendent Samuel T. Dutton, of Brookline. Harvard 1, 4.30 p. m.

Open to all members of the University and of Radcliffe College.

Lecture. I. Moliere: Les Annees d'apprentissage et de voyage. M. Ferdinand Brunetiere. Sanders Theatre, 4.30 p. m.

Admission by ticket only till 4.25 p. m.

Harvard Religious Union. Subject: Miracles. Mr. J. P. Sheffield. Parlors of the First Parish Church, 6.45 p. m.

All members of the University invited.

Reading from the Odyssey. 8. Books XVII.- XVIII. Dr. A. S. Cooley. Harvard 1,7 p. m.

Open to the public.

Harvard Chapter of Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Addresses by Rt. Rev. Wm. Lawrence, D. D., Mr. S. McBee, and Mr. R. H. Gardiner '76. Holden Chapel, 7.45 p. m.

Open to all members of the University.

Modern Language Conference. Recent Progress in the History of the Mediaeval Drama in England. Professor J. M. Manly, of Brown University. 9 Hilliard street, 8 p. m.

Open to members of the Conference.

13. Tuesday.Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Meeting at University 5, 4 p. m.

Lectures on Income Taxes. VII. The English Income Tax: Its History. Dr. J. A. Hill. University 20, 2.30 p. m.

Open to all members of the University.

Lecture. Babylonia in the Fourth Millennium B. C. (Illustrated with stereopticon views.) Dr. G. A. Reisner. Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum, 7.30 p. m.

Open to the public.

Geological Conference. Papers: (1) Dr. Archibald Bruce, Pioneer in American Mineralogy.- (2) The Excursion to Franklin, N. J. Professor Wolff. Geological Laboratory, Room 2, M. Z., 7.45 p. m.

Open to all members of the University.

14. Wednesday.Board of Overseers. Stated Meeting at No. 50 State Street, Boston, 11 a. m.

Lecture II. Moliere: La Philosophie de Moliere. M. Ferdinand Brunetiere. Sanders Theatre, 4.30 p. m.

Admission by ticket only until 4.25 p. m.

15. Thursday.Lectures on Income Taxes. VIII. The English Income Tax: The Assessment. Dr. J. A. Hill. University 20, 2.30 p. m.

Open to all members of the University.

Lecture III. Moliere: L'Oeuvre et l'Influence de Moliere. M. Ferdinand Brunetiere. Sanders Theatre, 4.30 p. m.

Admission by ticket only till 4.25 p. m.

Engineering Conference. Engines for Electric Lighting. Mr. A. W. Percival. Lawrence Scientific School, Room 7, 4.30 p. m.

Open to all members of the University.

Last vesper service of the year. Appleton Chapel, 5 p. m.

Open to the public.

Harvard Christian Association. Meeting to organize the Harvard delegation to Northfield. Seven former delegates will speak. Holden Chapel, 6.45 p. m.

Open to all members of the University.

16. Friday.Divinity School. Preaching Service. Mr. H. White. Divinity Chapel, 7.30 p. m.

Harvard Forum. Debate. Harvard 1, 7.30 p. m.

Question: "Resolved, That the power of the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives is detrimental to the public interest."

Principal Disputants.- Affirmative: S. Kennedy '97 and F. R. Plumb '99.- Negative: J. M. Letterle, Sp., and E. Boody '99.

All members of the University are invited to speak.

Open to the public.

17. Saturday.Geological Excursions of the April Recess. (1) To the Mohawk Valley, N. Y., conducted by Professor Davis. (2) To

(Continued on fourth page).
