
Official Notice.

GERMAN C.- This course meets here-after in two sections, Tues., Thurs., and Sat., at 9. Members of former Section 3 will report at Sever 6 or Sever 8 according to the lists on the doors of those rooms.


ENGLISH C.- In the twelfth topic on the list of topics for the second forensic reference should be made to the Nineteenth Century instead of the Fortnightly Review.

I CAN NOT keep my office hours today or my hours at my house this evening.

L. B. R. BRIGGS.ECONOMICS 7.- The course will meet on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1.30 p. m., in Harvard 6, and not in University 19 as previously announced.


STUDENTS registered in Harvard College who are to be candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts next June, may see their records at the office on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons (February 16 to 19) between 2 and 4.30 o'clock.

ENGLISH A.- Sections will meet at the usual hours Monday and Tuesday in Upper Massachusetts.

B. S. HURLBUT.ENGLISH 30.- The first debate of the second half-year will take place Wednesday at 3.30 instead of Monday.

GEO. P. BAKER.HISTORY 13.- Grades for the first half-year will be given out at the exercise of Tuesday, February 16. No postals will be sent.

