

FRESHMAN FOOTBALL.- The following men be at Thurston's at 1 o'clock sharp to go to the training table: J. Hallowell, W. R. Lawrence, J. Lawrence, C. C. Brayton, O. D. Talbot, H. H. Peyton, B. Z. Kasson, C. D. Daly, R. Fincke, I. W. Kendall, W. T. Reid, D. P. White, S. G. Ellis. Practice at 3.45 sharp.

CRIMSON.- Candidates will come to conference from 1.30 to 2.30 today.

'98 FOOTBALL.- Practice at 4 sharp.

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal for old members at 6.45. Each man must bring the new Harvard Song Book.

'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 6.45 sharp.


PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal Monday, Oct. 25 at 7 p. m. sharp. Members and new men must attend punctually. New music will be taken up. Return all parts taken away for practice.

BAND.- Rehearsal of band this afternoon at 4.30 p. m., in Room 1, L. S. S. All men who play band instruments are urged to be present as the band will probably play at the Harvard-Yale game. Will the man who has last year's band books please bring them to the rehearsal. There is need of bass horn players.

CIVIL SERVICE REFORM CLUB.- Annual meeting Wednesday, at 7 p. m., in Lower Mass., for election of officers and admission of new members. All members of the University are urged to attend.

CATHOLIC CLUB.- Meeting Tuesday, Oct. 26, in Sever 5, at 7.30 p. m. Important business. All Catholics in the University are invited to attend.

WELD 1901 CREW.- Hart's and Blake's crews be ready to row at 3.30. All the other men be ready to row at 4.45.

ALL members of the University wishing to join the Harvard Athletic Association can do so at Thurston's or at 205 Craigie Hall, Mondays, 1.30-2.30. The fee is $5 for the whole college course. Freshmen are urged to join at once.

RIFLE AND REVOLVER CLUB.- There will be an important business meeting on Friday, Dec. 3, in Mathews 16, at 7 p. m. There will be no regular club shoot until Saturday, Dec. 4, but all candidates for the team are urged to practice as much as possible before that date.

ANY students of the University wishing to become members of the Ornithological section of the Harvard Natural History Society are invited to attend an organization meeting to be held this evening at 7.45 in No. 506 Craigie Hall, Mt. Auburn street. Reginald H. Howe, Jr., Chairman.

BROWN AND NICHOLS CLUB.- The triennial dinner of the graduates of the Brown and Nichols School will be held at Young's Hotel on Saturday, Nov. 6, at 7.15. All those expecting to be present should send two dollars to R. Walcott, 11 Waterhouse street, before Nov. 1.

MEN are needed to teach in a Chinese Sunday School, which meets Sunday afternoons at the corner of Beacon and Somerset streets. The object is to teach the Chinamen to read and write. Any one who is interested may obtain information at 2 Stoughton Hall 22 3

PROSPECT UNION.- Teachers wanted in book-keeping and photography. Also school books of all kinds. Please call at 22 Grays between 10 and 11 a. m.
