
Freshman Musical Clubs.

The Freshman Glee, Banjo, and Mandolin Clubs are all working hard for their concerts which come shortly after the Easter vacation, although as yet the dates have not been decided upon. The concerts will be given in Cambridge, Dorchester, and in one other place which is to be an hour or two distant by train from Boston. Springfield will probably be chosen, but this has not been definitely decided:

At present there are thirty men on the Glee Club, but this number will be cut down before the concerts, as there are too many second tenors and first basses.

There are twelve men on the Mandolin Club, five first mandolins, three second mandolins, and four guitars. Six of these men are on the 'varsity club.

The Banjo Club has seven banjeaurines, four banjos, and four guitars, and is progressing very well.
