
Yale Letter.

NEW HAVEN, Nov. 1, 1896.

The mock election for President and Vice-President of the United States, which the News held during the past week was entered into with general interest and enthusiasm. Eighteen hundred and forty-five ballots were cast, representing sixty-nine per cent of the entire university enrollment. McKinley received about eighty-one per cent of these votes.

The university football candidates have been coached during the week by Bull '88S., Corbin '89, and Hartwell '89S. After the Carlisle and Elizabeth games more life was put into the team by the coaches than has been shown in the practice for some time, and there has been a corresponding improvement in the general work of the eleven during the last few days. Sheldon '98S. has recovered sufficiently from his illness to resume his work at the Field. His weight is greatly needed at guard and he will probably give Murray a hard fight for that position. Chamberlain is showing up well at centre, although he is the lightest man Yale has had for some time at that position. Hazen has been ill for the last few days and his place at end has been taken by Connor.

The senior class met in Alumni Hall on Tuesday evening and elected the officers and committees who will have charge of the commencement exercises next June. The following men were elected: Poet, Munger; secretary, Sumner; orator, Studinski; statistician, Parker; ivy committee, Hemenway, Thomas, Hamilton; triennial committee, Kerr, Darrach, Maddox; cup committee, Judd, Russell, Lapham; historians, DeCamp, Day, Clark, Lilney, Gerard; supper committee, Hull, Brookfielor, Harkness, Lapham, Babcock; class day committee, Sage, Brooke, Hinkey, Heffelfinger, Garrison.

A meeting of representatives from Yale, Wesleyan and Trinity was held in Middletown recently for the pnrpose of organizing a basket-ball league. Two games between each team were arranged.


Professor Smith opened a new course in mathematics during the week to students in the Graduate department.

The Yale Athletic Association held its annual fall games on Saturday. The work by the men on the whole was very creditable, although no fast time was made, except in the 100-yards dash and two-mile bicycle race. In the semi-final heat of the hundred yards, Graff '99 S., with a handicap of two yards, covered his distance in the fast time of 9 4-5s.

The work of the debating societies has been active during the week. The Sheff. Debating Club held its regular meeting on Wednesday evening and debated on the subject: "Resolved, That Sheffield Scientific School should have compulsory chapel." The decision was given in favor of affirmative. The Yale Union held the best debate of the year on Friday evening. The subject for debate was: "Resolved, That the present campaign will encourage sectionalism."

