

Parade Uniforms.

P/>To the Editors of the Crimson:

Dear Sirs:- I wish to call the attention of the University to the difficulties under which the Republican Club is laboring in distributing the uniforms, and to crave their assistance. Thirteen hundred men signed the blue books signifying their desire to participate in the parade. That number of uniforms have been ordered and are now on sale at Roberts Hall, Brattle street. It is highly probable, however, that many more than signed will wish to parade. We therefore earnestly urge every man to get his uniform as early as it is possible for him, in order that we may have some idea how many more are wished, and be able to provide them. If every one waits until the last minute there will not be enough to go round, and the showing will be poor. If every man makes the effort to get his uniform Thursday morning or afternoon we can order some more so that all who come may be furnished.

L. L. GILLESPIE, Treas. Republican Club.
