
Official Notice.

GOVERNMENT AND LAW 4.- International Law. Professor Beale will be in Harvard 2 from 10 to 12 o'clock on Thursday, September 26, to consult with students who may wish to elect this course.

PHYSICS B.- First meeting in room 1 of the Physical Laboratory on Friday, Sept. 27, at 12 m.

EDWIN H. HALL.GEOLOGY 10 and 11.- These courses are wrongly announced in the Elective Pamphlet. Geology 10 is in Group X., and is given the first half-year. Geology 11 is in Group X, and is given the second half-year,

H. L. SMITH.5 2t

PHYSICS B.- First meeting in room 1 of the Jefferson Phys. Lab. on Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 12 m.


EDWIN H. HALL.PHILOSOPHY 20a and 20b.- Will meet (both together) on Monday Sept. 30, at 7.30 p. m., in the Laboratory Upper Dane Hall.

W. JAMES.ENGLISH BC.- The first meeting of the class will be at 10 o'clock today (September 27) in Sever 35.

ZOOLOGY 4.- Enrolment 10 a. m. Friday, Zool. Mus. 4th floor room 2.

HISTORY 18.- Constitutional History of the Roman Republic to the Social war. Mon., Wed., and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Fri., at 9. The class will meet on Friday, September 27 at 9 o'clock, in Sever 29.

PLAUTUS.- The attention of Graduate students is called to the following new half-course:

The Bacchides of Plautus. Half-course. Once a week in the first half-year, at some convenient hour to be arranged hereafter. Professor Lane. (Class. Phil. 45.)

The play will be read in Latin or English or both, with running commentaries and familiar expositions, or conversational discussions of such points of metre, pronunciation, grammar, antiquities, etc., as may be found interesting. 4 2t

GOV. AND LAW 13. HISTORY OF EUROPEAN LAW.- The class will meet for the present in Univ. 17 on Mon., Wed., Fri., at 1.30. The first lecture will be on Fri., Sept. 27.

F. B. WILLIAMS.MR. HAYES will be in Holden Chapel today and tomorrow from 9-1, to meet students who will join voluntary classes. 4 2t

ONE section in Eng. X will meet at ten o'clock on Mondays and Fridays, and another at twelve o'clock on those days. 4 2t

REHEARSAL of the College Choir today at 5 o'clock in Appleton Chapel.

