
Harvard, 63; Brockton, 62.

The Harvard cricket team defeated Brockton Saturday by the close score of 63 to 62. As the game was over earlier than was expected, the second inning was begun. The Harvard men showed a decided improvement this time and batted out 101 runs. Brockton had scored 34 runs for 3 wickets when time was called. Clark's bowling was very good, his average being six wickets for 16 runs.

The score:


Pool, b. Orton, 0

Scott, b. J. Ward, 0


Clark, b. Orton, 15

Du Pont, l. b. w. J. Ward, 0

Comfort, b. Orton, 10

Richardson, b. Orton, 3

Kennedy, l. b. w. J. Taylor, 3

Gray, b. Orton, 16

Parker, b. Orton, 3

Hastings, b. J. Taylor, 7

Bent, not out, 1

Extras, 5


Total, 63


C. Keen, c. Pool, b. Clark, 0

G. Taylor, c. Parker, b. Du Pont, 7

J. Taylor, c. Scott, b. Du Pont, 15

Orton, b. Clark, 11

J. Keen, b. Du Pont, 0

Smith, b. Clark, 0

A. Ward, l. b. w. Clark, 0

Stringer, b. Clark, 6

Luckman, b. Clark, 0

Ashley, not out, 0

J. Ward, b. Du Pont, 11

Extras, 12


Total, 62
