
Special Notice.

A FIRST-CLASS bicycle for $49. The Swan, durable, easy running, handsome, light, wood rims, M. & W. tires, up to date, fully guaranteed. Price complete, $49. Call and see it. Other bicycles at greatly reduced rates. F. R. Page, agent, 40 College House.

55 2tMrs. W. H. Ransford, of 22 Prescott street, can receive a few more boarders. A club table can also be accommodated. Highest University references.

53 6tECONOMICS 1. - Gentlemen desiring to review the first three books of Mill, either for the make-up mid-year or final examinations, will please communicate with me at once.

F. W. DALLINGER, 4 Stoughton.PARTY leaving Cambridge will dispose of desk and book-case cheap. Call before May first, 13 Follen street.

56 tfFOUND. - A pair of gold rimmed glasses with gold chain attached. Apply at CRIMSON office


