
English Press on International Games.

The London Pastime says in speaking of the international games:

"The proposal of the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes of America to arrange a match between the joint universities of America and England, although carried at that association's meeting by fifteen votes to three, has received the disapproval of such institutions as Yale, Columbia and Princeton, while Harvard would have no voice in the matter. All things considered it is most improbable that Oxford and Cambridge will give their consent to the match, the suggested month for which is July."

In the Athletic News of March 18, published at Manchester, England, the department headed "Oxford and Cambridge Echoes," and signed "Alma Mater," includes the following:

"* * All doubts as regards another big international tussle have been set at rest by the receipt of an intimation to the O. U. A. C., stating that the American universities have resolved to send a picked team over in July. The formal challenge is expected almost directly, when the Oxford and Cambridge authorities will meet and arrange preliminaries straight away. And tell it not in Gath, further challenges in the same direction are quite within the range of probability within the next few weeks, but we must dissemble awhile."

In the London, England, Sporting Life of March 20, the department entitled "Men and Matters in the World of Sport" and signed "Old Blue," speaks of the postponement of the annual Oxford Cambridge sports to July 3, and adds: "Wiser policy was never evinced than the postponement in question, but now one course of training will suffice for the inter-'varsity amateur championship and international meetings. Yes, I am glad to say the latter is now practically decided and another American vs. English universities' tussle awaits us in the near future, I fancy, but anon with authority."

